bloggy froggie wonders when she'll fall in love with this again.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

facebook: dangerous

so after 27 years of being totally dependent on my parents, i am suddenly entering -gasp!- the workforce. this is completely new to me, since i've been going to school the whole time my other friends who didn't become doctors were gaining their independence. i honestly feel every year of eighteen. eighteen!!!!! haha!

and along for the ride in this journey to independence is facebook. it's considered a roadblock to productivity and a waste of office network bandwidth- both of which are absolutely right. but besides that, there's the content. during med school (and college/high school/etc, had this been THE social network in existence), i'd really have said whether i studied or not, which lectures i hated (or not), which classes i actually attended, slept in, or faked signing the attendance in. ok, well, maybe not the latter. haha! bottom line, we've turned it into a confessional that might not be okay for coworkers, bosses, or even non-doctors to read. yes, WE.

i've had a friend who was fired over ym comments during work. so it really does happen. TMI? i don't think so. it could be where the TMI was shared. in the internet, the walls (and message archives) have ears, and anything you say or do online can and will be held against you. so that brings us to oversharing on facebook.

will you seriously let your seniors into your social network, where they can read about you complaining about your job? i don't think so. hahahaha! so the entire point of the social network is that you can share, but it looks like you can't anyway. this is so weird.

i guess this really is part of growing up now. your virtual world has to change along with you. ew. every aspect of you has to grow up and be responsible. hahahaha!

and i can't imagine what the perks of this could be.

Monday, November 15, 2010

regression at its finest

now that preresidency is done, and the results are out, i've actually gone back to my pre-med school vacation lifestyle: regression at its finest! haha!

i love having an anime marathon, channel surfing, bumming around online on facebook, reading web comics, and wondering when the next time i'll be going out is. haha! :) i love being kaladkarin, and i love the predictability of it all. :) even having a very busy boyfriend is working in my favor- this is really pre-everything lifestyle. :)

i'm actually still not over the three hobbies that almost never come up in my happy-bumming around entries anymore: the glaring lack of video games (the hardcore ones, i still love my casual games!), books, or dancing in my life. i guess i miss them... otherwise they wouldn't be mentioned at all... haha! but they don't come as naturally to me as they used to. too bad.

i'm wondering if i should get off my ass and go for some mini-adventure that i'd never get to do once i start residency, or take the rest time and be a bum.

decisions, decisions. haha!

i love not being too tired to do what i want. but i'm also getting a bit bored. just a BIT.

ang sabi nga, nakakapagod maghintay. it's true.

i honestly still feel that i'm waiting for my life to begin. when in reality, it HAS.

my life can't begin FOR me; i have to get off my ass and do it.

after 5 more episodes of anime. haha!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

blogging about not blogging

i actually changed blogs right after graduating from med school, since i figured i needed some new blogspace to put my crazy post-med school thoughts and mini-adventures in. it still didn't fly.

i haven't been blogging as much as i thought i would. i'm not sure if it's because of the interface (na minumura ko hanggang ngayon. haha!), or the fact that i find it a -bit- difficult to customize (though my other friends seem to have theirs all customized), or the fact that no one is reading my blogger (since the whole world is on fb anyway. haha!), or maybe my primary impression: NOTHING IS HAPPENING IN MY LIFE, OR IN MY BRAIN. haha!

then i stumbled upon tumblr. haha!

i find it interesting that they advertise ease of use, as well as a platform to upload almost anything!!!!! :D :D :D it's like multiply in that respect, except that i have less friends here. hmmm, i have none. i also like being able to post links and pics that i wouldn't be able to post on facebook since it's too public. haha!

ironically, while i rave about the multimedia i can post here, i'm starting with text. hahaha!

so, will i fall in love with this tumblr as much as i fell for multiply in its heyday? there's only one way to find out. :)

(for frods and the blogger formerly known as HTGOF. haha!)